Having a place to call home is fundamental for a regular life and gives economic security.
It is a prior part in obtaining a human dignity and a good health because of the hygienic living circumstances. The importance of the improvement for the beneficiaries also lays in the improvement of their social status. Furthermore, improving the living standard also means improving the infrastructure and thereby a long lasting enhancement to the whole area is made.
Since 1999, Good Shepherd was able to build 457 new houses.
Each house covers a floor area of 275 to 300 sq ft and includes bedroom, hall and kitchen. The houses are financed by Good Shepherd with a people's participation.
Repair of houses is one side of the programme of infrastructure development.
Families who reside in a poor housing condition are identified by the village animators and the village development committee. The selection committee makes the ultimate decision and the financial support is given. More than 400 families have repaired their houses and they feel very secure. The quality of the houses is also being assured.
To provide pure drinking water and a reliable water connection, 150 private rain water harvesting have been constructed.
The activity was funded by initial contribution from the beneficiary, subsidy from the project, labour contributionfrom the beneficiary and loan portion.
Since 2002, 439 private toilets were built in our project area.
To bring down the rate of open defecation the project concentrates on the construction of toilets and awareness programmes on the negative impacts of open defecation.
Having a private toilet increases the hygiene, health and safety. It is also a measurement to empower women. For the construction of toilets Apex Body loans with low interest are being promoted among the villagers.